
I am a homeschooled graduate trying to figure out how the world works and continuing to find out that no. It doesn't run the way I want it too.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Asking questions.

So.... Nicole and I decided we would write a list of questions for each other because we both like answering  lists of questions. You can read the ones I wrote for her and her answers on her blog the link to which should be on the top right side of this post.
Anyway, to business.
  1. If you could live in any book what book would you chose? Oooooh uuummmm.... I would have to say Lord of the Rings although the Door Within is pretty cool too. 

  2. If you had to choose one movie in the world to watch which movie would you pick? Second Hand Lions.

  3. If you could swap places with any person (living or dead)which would you swap with? I don't know, I like being me pretty well.

  4. Favourite Ice Cream Flavour? Mint Chocolate Chip.

  5. Favourite drama you've been in? Tumbleweeds!

  6. Least favourite character? (movie or book) Lord Denethor, Steward of Gondor. That is one character  that drives me nuts.

  7. Favourite Villain? Professor Moriarty.

  8. Have you ever wanted to eat an ice cream cone without the ice cream? No, its better with the ice cream.

  9. Who was the last person you spoke to? Mom.

  10. Favourite art tool?(pens, pencils, etc.) Black Pens are cool.

  11. What do you want to be when you grow up? An 3D animator or 3D designer and or a Rancher. Either one would be amazing.

  12. Sunshine or rain? "All sunshine and roses......"

  13. Cheese or sprinkles? Cheese Grommet! Cheese!

  14. Editing or Animating? I love them both! I'll go with Animating though.

  15. Boys or stinky socks? Not stinky socks.

  16. Thor or Captain America? Uhhhhhhh, well.... I'll have to go with Cap until I've seen the movie Thor and can make a slightly more educated decision :P

  17. Laptop or Tablet? Laptop is better at everything except apps.

  18. Skillet or Owl City? Owl City.

  19. Books or Movies? Books are amazing.

  20. Hats or socks? Hats are better.

  21. Horses or Cows? Cows.

  22. Camping or Historical Sites? Oh, tough one.... I would have to say camping though, but camping near historic sites would be beyond awesome.

  23. Do you read my blog? You have a blog? Just kidding, I do, it makes me laugh.

  24. Cheese or Carrot Cake? Both! Together! Carrot Cake would be better though.

  25. Cooking or cleaning? Well, I like to cook in a clean kitchen and eat after I've cleaned. But I would rather cook than clean.

  26. Would you rather be a librarian or a diver? Librarian, less chance of getting drowned or eaten.

  27. Boromir or Theoden? Theoden, King of the Riddemark, every time.

Well that was fun for me, I hope that wasn't horrendously boring for you readers.

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