
I am a homeschooled graduate trying to figure out how the world works and continuing to find out that no. It doesn't run the way I want it too.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Jewelry Making

Well, here is this months second post. I am not feeling to serious at the moment so I thought I'd post some of the crafts I've been doing lately.

I always tend to wing it when I'm making jewelry the thought process goes something like this: Oh, that's a pretty stone, what colour of wire would look good with that? Ah that's nice but a bit too thin, lets twist the wire! There that looks good. And so on and so forth. So I rarely follow patterns although I will often do Internet searches to get the rough idea of what I'm doing.

This one's oldish, the ring got deformed so it didn't fit me any more and the chain was off a broken pocket watch.

This one I made from some embroidery floss and a heavy, inch and a half wide metal ring. The cord I crocheted from the same floss.

This is a stone I found on the beach the other day, I haven't found a suitable chain for it yet so I didn't add a loop to it. I usually go over the stones I find on the beach with clear nail polish, it protects the stone from the wire somewhat and also brings out the colour of the stone nicely.

This one I built from some beads off of a broken belt, a stone I bought from a jewelry maker in the Tuesday market in Gelibolu,  a small piece of green wire to attach the stone and the disk, and a chain I salvaged from a piece of steampunk jewelry I got at Value Village. 
More proof that anything can look good as long as you put it together right :)

And, this isn't really jewelry but I crocheted myself finger-less gloves! I am rather impressed with myself since last time I started something that big I couldn't crochet a straight line for more than two or three rows.

This is one arm warmer which is also crocheted. I considered attaching the gloves to the gauntlets but it works because I can take off the gloves and leave on the longer things. They come in handy when it gets cold and rainy over here.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Thor review

Edit: Be warned that there are a few spoilers in this review, apologies.

Well, I don't feel like over analysing this movie at the moment but I will touch on the high points.
First off I quite enjoyed this movie, it wasn't the best movie ever made by any stretch but it was a decent film.

Lets start with the negative stuff; A lot of elements of this movie feel really rushed. The whole film takes place in less than a week and in that time Thor attacks Frost giants, gets banished, falls in love, does an about face, redeems himself and then gets back to Asguard. It takes less than two days for the love interest Jane Foster to decide Thor's the one. Some movies can make that work (Tangled anyone?) but this one just couldn't.
Now if that wasn't enough the movie leaves you with the sensation that there could have been some awesome supporting characters there that never really got explored. There are a lot of things that get touched on but not quite explained.
Or maybe that's just me; those of you who know me also know that I have a thing for obscure supporting characters :). Anyway, back to the topic. This movie was way undernourished plot wise, with the attempt made to tell two stories at once with one or two underdone sub-plots. Once again some movies can make this work (ah la Lord of the Rings) but here too Thor falls short of achieving any balance.

On the plus side, most of the actors did a fantastic job with their roles, Tom Hiddleston has been well recognized for his role as Loki but Chris Hemsworth (Thor), and Anthony Hopkins (Odin) as well as the actors who portrayed Thor's friends (on Asguard and off it) did a good job with their respective roles.
Another plus is the laughs this movie contains. Unlike, say, Iron Man 2 this movie is all about the circumstance based humour. Here's a guy from a fantasy world on earth in the 21 century, there are some pretty ridiculous moments, predominantly involving Thor getting hit with cars and smashing coffee cups.
Another nice thing is that for a Marvel movie Thor was amazingly clean, there are two or three expletives and one long involved kissing scene which is one of those things where you just laugh at the writers or directors who thought it was a good idea, there is no innuendo and all the women remain fully clothed and respectable although we do see Thor shirtless once and in a hospital gown in another instance. There is a bar scene although it doesn't last long and there is a lot of fighting and a couple of casualties but hardly any gore.
I have said that the plot was undernourished, and while that is a flaw the story's still a good one, especially with the drama unfolding between Loki, Thor, and Odin.

Any-who this was my brief rundown of Thor. Like I said at the beginning I am not feeling the need to write a 3 page essay on the subject...
In conclusion if you get the chance to watch the movie you will likely be entertained and leave the movie with some fun character discussion and even more fun quotes.
Speaking of which....
"This drink, I like it"
"I know, it's great right!"
*smashes cup on the floor* "ANOTHER!"