
I am a homeschooled graduate trying to figure out how the world works and continuing to find out that no. It doesn't run the way I want it too.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Jewelry Making

Well, here is this months second post. I am not feeling to serious at the moment so I thought I'd post some of the crafts I've been doing lately.

I always tend to wing it when I'm making jewelry the thought process goes something like this: Oh, that's a pretty stone, what colour of wire would look good with that? Ah that's nice but a bit too thin, lets twist the wire! There that looks good. And so on and so forth. So I rarely follow patterns although I will often do Internet searches to get the rough idea of what I'm doing.

This one's oldish, the ring got deformed so it didn't fit me any more and the chain was off a broken pocket watch.

This one I made from some embroidery floss and a heavy, inch and a half wide metal ring. The cord I crocheted from the same floss.

This is a stone I found on the beach the other day, I haven't found a suitable chain for it yet so I didn't add a loop to it. I usually go over the stones I find on the beach with clear nail polish, it protects the stone from the wire somewhat and also brings out the colour of the stone nicely.

This one I built from some beads off of a broken belt, a stone I bought from a jewelry maker in the Tuesday market in Gelibolu,  a small piece of green wire to attach the stone and the disk, and a chain I salvaged from a piece of steampunk jewelry I got at Value Village. 
More proof that anything can look good as long as you put it together right :)

And, this isn't really jewelry but I crocheted myself finger-less gloves! I am rather impressed with myself since last time I started something that big I couldn't crochet a straight line for more than two or three rows.

This is one arm warmer which is also crocheted. I considered attaching the gloves to the gauntlets but it works because I can take off the gloves and leave on the longer things. They come in handy when it gets cold and rainy over here.

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