
I am a homeschooled graduate trying to figure out how the world works and continuing to find out that no. It doesn't run the way I want it too.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Oatmeal Apple Cookies.

Okay, so, first off, last year, my Mom gave me a book of advice for cowgirls. One of my favourites was 'Never, under any circumstances, admit you like to cook.' which I had pretty much blown years ago.

Truth be told, I like to mess around in the kitchen almost as much as I like to eat what I make.

So this Weekend's little project was Oatmeal Apple cookies.
They are really very easy, take an oatmeal raisin/chocolate chip recipe and do this instead:

These measurement sizes will vary depending on the size of the batch you're making of course. But for most undoubled recipes you should need about 1/2 a teaspoon of cloves or allspice and about the same or a little less of cinnamon. Add the spices when you add the vanilla. Use your own common sense on this, if there's two teaspoons of vanilla in the recipe for example, chances are you should up your spice measurement a little.

Next step is to see how many chocolate chips are in your recipe and swap them out for apple. I wasn't exact on this. My recipe called for half a cup of chocolate chips but I peeled, cut, and added a whole apple instead because I didn't feel like saving the leftovers.
One medium sized green apple should make about a cup of chunks. Stir them in and bake the cookies as directed in your recipe.

If you need a recipe for oatmeal cookies you can try one of these,

Chewy Chocolate Chip Oatmeal cookies
The best Oatmeal cookies
Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

Some other ideas for using apples in baking;

Use apples instead of raisins for Cinnamon Buns,
Wrap apples and cinnamon in sweet biscuit dough for a strudel type dessert,
You could basically add apples to any recipe with Cinnamon in it and make a new dessert so...

Happy baking!

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