
I am a homeschooled graduate trying to figure out how the world works and continuing to find out that no. It doesn't run the way I want it too.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Quest For Camelot

I watched this movie with my siblings so much when I was little. We loved it, then we watched it yesterday; lets just say the magic has worn off. Before I go any farther, be it established that I like Quest for Camelot. If nothing else we just laugh at the lameness of it.
Okay, now we’ll get to the review part of this post. The villain is quite mad which is always amusing and the songs are mostly good, although a few seem severely out of place. The plot is decent, if underdeveloped, and there are a couple of great lines. However, the makers didn’t really seem to put much time into perfecting the animation (We noticed the bad animation even when we were little). Plot, conflict, and character interaction are sub par as well. Suffice it to say there are some glaring mechanical errors. It’s hard to tell what age group this movie is geared  towards as well. The lack of character development and generally limping conflict point to a very young audience, while some of the half attempted themes and the scariness of the villain point to an older one.
In my opinion then, "Quest for Camelot" isn't a bad movie, if you are prepared to give your skeptical side a rest, if you aren't then prepare to be dumbfounded at why they bothered to make this film at all.
In conclusion then, I wouldn’t recommend this movie unless your in the mood to either poke fun at a badly made video, or to watch a decently scary villain strut around an otherwise lame group of characters. 
Or if you are like me you can just watch it for the songs. :)

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