
I am a homeschooled graduate trying to figure out how the world works and continuing to find out that no. It doesn't run the way I want it too.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

September 15-21

Well, this is a bit late.... I thought I had posted this but the vlog wouldn's upload so I must have given up on it.... but, without further ado;
So, I successfully completed my first ever solo grocery shop on Monday. The only thing I didn't get that I maybe should have was bread, but I made biscuits so that's all fine. On the work end of things I finished cultivating and started plowing. And I hadn't hardly plowed much at all before I got a rake tooth in one of the plow tires, so that had to be fixed. But we got it fixed and all that so that's the main thing.

This weekend I went to a birthday party and a cast party, and made it back to my other house for some odd jobs and church. Which was nice, but it kind of made me miss my family more, being places that we are usually together at...

Anyway. I did make a vlog. And I did it while cultivating. And I didn't break anything. Hahahaha.

Some people are having trouble viewing it. So here's a link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaWDfszb8M0&list=UUjRLShVaYsCdkdTzNMfNMQQ

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